Wednesday 28 November 2012

Management Accounting Decision Management(CIMA) P2

For subject Management Accounting of Semester 4(ICMAP),this book is included in Core Study books.It is very necessary to consult this book for maximum syllabus topics.
To download this book click below

Management Accounting Decision Management(CIMA) P2

Monday 26 November 2012

Saturday 24 November 2012

Fundamentals of Financial Accounting(CIMA)

This book is very useful for Financial Accounting of Semester 3(ICMAP).
Click below to download

Fundamentals of Financial Accounting(CIMA)

Syllabus 2012 contents

According to ICMAP policy after every 5-7 years Syllabus is revised to make the studies at ICMAP upto the higher standards of market.This is the contents of ICMAP Syllabus of year 2012.
To download the file click bellow

syllabus 2012(contents)